evolutionary theory of emotion

The evolutionary approach focuses on the historical setting in which emotions developed. His theory is resonating with my thoughts and I am using each of his basic emotions as a starting point for each of the major works. However, unlike most of Darwin’s other work, this area of inquiry lay dormant for almost 100 years. The first includes basic survival skills such as consciousness, responding to stimuli, learning, and motivation. The functional structure of an emotion program evolved to match the evolutionarily summed structure of its target situation. Inherent in this approach is the expectation that the human mind has a series of evolved subsystems designed to represent events in terms of evolutionarily recurrent situations and situational subcomponents. to the extent that the problems embedded in the associated situations differ. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Share on email. In the evolution of animal nervous systems, simpler designs preceded more complex designs. 1982. 1976. First, it provides a broad evolutionary foundation for conceptualizing the domain of emotion as seen in animals and humans. Happiness is expected to signal the energetic opportunity for play, and allow other exploratory agendas to be expressed (Frederickson, 1998). Emotion and computation. The study of the evolution of emotions dates back to the 19th century.Evolution and natural selection has been applied to the study of human communication, mainly by Charles Darwin in his 1872 work, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Evolutionary Psychology of Emotions • “An evolutionary perspective leads one to view the mind as a crowded zoo of evolved, domain-specific programs. Thus, fear will make it more difficult to attack an antagonist, whereas anger will make it easier. Selection, through ancestral mutant experiments, would have sorted emotions based on the average importance of the consequences stemming from each, and the extent to which joint activation was mutually incompatible (or facilitating). The function of this, in a world before hospitals, was to prevent further injury from being done, minimize blood loss and internal hemorrhaging, and allow the mobilization of the body's resources towards repair of immediate threats to the life: coma. These are not explicit concepts, representations, or goal states, but rather registers or indices that acquire their meaning by the evolved behavior-controlling and computation-controlling procedures that access them. The analysis of adaptive problems that arose ancestrally has led evolutionary psychologists to apply the concepts and methods of the cognitive sciences to scores of topics that are relevant to the study of emotion, such as the cognitive processes that govern cooperation, sexual attraction, jealousy, aggression, parental love, friendship, romantic love, the aesthetics of landscape preferences, coalitional aggression, incest avoidance, disgust, predator avoidance, kinship, and family relations (for reviews, see Barkow, Cosmides, & Tooby, 1992; Crawford & Krebs, 1998; Daly & Wilson, 1988; Pinker, 1997). According to the American Psychological Association (APA), emotion is definedas “a complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral and physiological elements.” Emotions are how individuals deal with matters or situations they find personally significant. 5) Algorithms that assign priorities: A given world-state may correspond to more than one situation at a time, for example, you may be nutritionally depleted and in the presence of a predator. Furthermore, many adaptive problems are best solved by the simultaneous activation of many different components of the cognitive architecture, such that each component assumes one of several alternative states (e.g., predator avoidance may require simultaneous shifts in both heart rate and auditory acuity; see below). It is no more significant than anything else that promotes reproduction, and is often advantageously risked or sacrificed in the process of promoting reproduction in self, children, or other relatives. Daly, M., Wilson, M., & Weghorst, S. J. The James-Lange Theory of Emotion. The negative valence of depression may be explained similarly: former actions that seemed pleasurable in the past, but which ultimately turned out to lead to bad outcomes, are re-experienced in imagination with a new affective coloration, so that in the future entirely different weightings are called up during choices. These designs are largely conserved through genetic inheritance from generation to generation (accounting over the long term for homologous similarities among related species). Cognitive processes This class is an introduction to the evolutionary analysis of human emotions, how they work, why they exist, and what they communicate. Another major theory of emotions is the Schachter-Singer theory, which was developed in the 1960s. For example, when you are sick, initiating actions and going about your daily activities is more effortful than usual: your impulse is to stay home and lie still. In: Characterizing human psychological adaptations (Ciba Symposium Volume #208). (In this conceptualization of emotion, there might be several distinct emotion modes that are lumped together under the folk category "fear", but that are computationally and empirically distinguishable by the different constellation of programs each entrains.) Consciousness and the computational mind. Each is functionally specialized for solving a different adaptive problem that arose during hominid evolutionary history, such as face recognition, foraging, mate choice, heart rate regulation, sleep management, or predator vigilance, and each is activated by a different set of cues from the environment. Highly specialized learning mechanisms might be activated, such as those that control food aversions (Garcia, 1990) or predator learning (Mineka & Cooke, 1985), or fear conditioning (LeDoux, 1995). Individuals with morbid jealousy, for example, may hallucinate counterfactual but evolutionarily thematic contents. Others indicated sexual attractiveness (Symons, 1979; Buss 1994). At present, there is no validated, widely agreed on theory of the nature or function of consciousness. Adaptive problems are evolutionarily long-enduring recurring clusters of conditions that constitute either reproductive opportunities (e.g., the arrival of a potential mate; the reflectant properties of light) or reproductive obstacles (e.g., the speed of a prey animal; the actions of a sexual rival, limited food supplies for relatives). Robert Plutchik's: Psycho Evolutionary Theory of Basic Emotions . In fact, whenever the adaptive problem can be well-specified (as in color constancy, object recognition, grammar acquisition, word meaning induction, tactile perception, chemical identification), natural computational adaptations have consistently and strikingly outperformed the best artificial devices that teams of engineers, using decades of effort, and millions of dollars of funding, have produced (consider, e.g., artificial vision or speech recognition programs). If one knows what adaptive problems our ancestors faced generation after generation, one can look for mechanisms that are well-engineered for solving them. Some modes of activation of the cognitive system are accompanied by a characteristic feeling state, a certain quality of experience. A trait is a… (10) Behavioral decision rules are activated: Depending on the nature of the potential threat, different courses of action will be potentiated: hiding, flight, self-defense, or even tonic immobility (the latter is a common response to actual attacks, both in other animals and in humans). Daly, M. & Wilson, M. 1988. We evaluate our approach on real-world scenarios consisting of different kinds of agents. San Francisco: Freeman. Hirshleifer, J. The same principle might explain why rape victims often report experiencing horrifying unbidden images of the attack for 6-18 months after it has happened: the mind is replaying the trauma, running it through various decision rules and inference procedures, sifting it for clues of how to avoid such situations in the future, giving a different affective coloration to some of the locations, behaviors, and decisions that preceded the attack, and connecting them to a weighting of just how bad the consequent outcome was. to Why are some emotions automatically signaled? Darwin's original plan was to include his findings about expression of emotions in a chapter of his work, The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (Darwin, 1871) but found that he had enough material for a whole book. Cognitive theories suggest that thoughts and other mental activities play an essential role in the formation of emotions. For example, the earlier design would go into a fear emotion mode, and flee the predator when encountered. - Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Emotions, Part I Overview. Comments about this article? This does not mean that emotions are well-designed for the modern world -- only that their functional logic is likely to be sophisticated and well-engineered to solve ancestral adaptive problems. Warning of impending threats. The James–Lange theory of emotion asserts that emotions arise as a result of physiological arousal —i.e., that the self-perception of changes in the body produces an emotional experience. Depending on the intensity of the jealousy evoked, less and less evidence will be required for an individual to believe that these conditions apply to their personal situation. The apparent selective disadvantages of honestly and automatically broadcasting one's emotional state have led Fridlund (1994), for example, to argue that expressions must be voluntary and intentional communications largely unconnected to emotion state. ), whereas anosagnosics are unaware of having a paralyzed limb, and deny it is true, even in the face of evidence (Prigatano & Schacter 1991). Confusion (itself an emotional state) should inhibit the expenditure of energy on costly behavioral responses and should motivate more information gathering and information analysis. This coordination is accomplished by a set of superordinate programs - the emotions. Nesse (1990) has suggested that the function of mood is to reflect the propitiousness of the present environment for action, a hypothesis with many merits. He cited examples of people attempting to remember something and raising their brows, as though they could "see" what they were trying to remember. (1987). [1], Paul Ekman is most noted in this field for conducting research involving facial expressions of emotions. Corresponding emotion programs guide the individual into the appropriate interactive strategy for the social "game" being played, given the state of play. If the inference is yes, then a program automatically infers that the lion knows where you are; if no, then the lion does not know where you are (the "seeing-is-knowing" circuit identified by Baron-Cohen 1995, and inactive in autistics). The set of human emotion programs assumed their evolved designs through interacting with the statistically defined structure of human environments of evolutionary adaptedness. Each configuration would be selected to deploy computational and physiological mechanisms in a way that, when averaged over individuals and generations, would have led to the most fitness-promoting subsequent lifetime outcome given that ancestral situation-type. In The latest on the best: Essays on evolution and Optimality, J. Dupre (Ed.). These regularities can include complex conditionals (e.g., if one is male hunter-gatherer and one is having a sexual liaison with someone else's mate and that is discovered, then one is the target of lethal retributory violence 37% of the time). that will net the best return on own and kin reproduction, as accrued over the expected remainder of the individual's lifespan? Mineka, S. & Cook, M. (1993). Newer … The New Hacker's Dictionary defines a "demon" as a "portion of a program that is not invoked explicitly, but that lies dormant waiting for some condition(s) to occur." What someone learns from stimuli will be greatly altered by emotion mode, because of attentional allocation, motivation, situation-specific inferential algorithms, and a host of other factors. The emotion of sexual jealousy evolved in response to these properties of the world, and there should be evidence of this in its computational design. San Diego: Academic Press. Indeed, we expect that the architecture of the human mind is full of evolved variables whose function is to store summary magnitudes that are useful for regulating behavior and computation. When fearful, acuity of hearing may increase. The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. You stuffed yourself with a hot dog, a large tub of popcorn, and a box of Milk Duds while watching a movie. Some of these responses may be experienced as automatic or involuntary. The only emotions the preliterate people found hard to distinguish between were fear and surprise. Learning: Emotion mode is expected to regulate learning mechanisms. For emotion researchers, this means that one's working hypotheses (which are always open to empirical revision) should begin with the expectation of high levels of evolutionary functionality, and one's research methods should be sensitive enough to detect such organization. Incest: a biosocial view. Domain specificity and functional specialization. A third option is to transition to a New Basic Emotion Theory which replaces the assumption of cascade-like responses with that of action tendencies with control precedence, which would account for some of the variability of responses while preserving the core idea that basic emotions are geared towards solving evolutionary problems (Levenson 2011; Scarantino & Griffiths 2011; … Princeton: Princeton University Press. Today, many psychologists agree … Passion and reason. However, from an evolutionary cognitive perspective, one cannot sensibly talk about emotion affecting cognition because cognition refers to a language for describing all of the brain's operations, including emotions and reasoning (whether deliberative or nonconscious), and not to any particular subset of operations. Specialized programs - for predator fear, sexual attraction, and incest avoidance, respectively - could evolve whose configuration of design features embodied and/or exploited these statistical regularities, allowing these adaptive problems to be solved economically, reliably, and effectively. Repeated encounters with each kind of situation selected for adaptations that guided information-processing, behavior and the body adaptively through the clusters of conditions, demands, and contingencies that characterized that particular class of situation. The theory offers an explanation for the evolution of common facial expressions of emotion in mammals. Accordingly, to understand an adaptation as a problem-solver, one needs to model the enduring properties of the task-environment that selected for that adaptation -- the environment of evolutionary adaptedness, or EEA. Over evolutionary time, design features are added to or discarded from the species' design because of their consequences. Moreover, energy reserves that were being sequestered under one assumption about future prospects can be released given new, more accurate expectations about a more plentiful or advantageous future. M. Lewis & J. M. Haviland-Jones, Editors. Share on whatsapp . Little experimental work has been done to extend the theory, however. This use of "cognition" falls out of the folk psychological classification of thinking as distinct from feeling and emotion, and it appears in a few subfields of psychology as well (particularly those concerned with education and the acquisition of skills that must be explicitly taught). We investigate … The evolutionary theory of emotion Proposed by the legendary Charles Darwin, the evolutionary theory assumes that emotions developed to help people and animals survive. Recalibration (which, when consciously accessible, appears to produce rich and distinct feeling states) is therefore a major functional component of most emotion programs. For example, sleep and flight from a predator require mutually inconsistent actions, computations, and physiological states. This would allow alternative courses of action to be evaluated in a way similar to the way in which experienced situations are evaluated. From an evolutionary perspective, sometimes it is beneficial to provide information to others, and other times it is injurious, so most evolved communication systems involve close regulation of whether to transmit information or not. This variable may automatically govern whether you freeze in terror or bolt. Disgust circuits presume a world in which rotten smells signal toxins or microbial contamination, for example. An emotion is not reducible to any one category of effects, such as effects on physiology, behavioral inclinations, cognitive appraisals, or feeling states, because it involves evolved instructions for all of them together, as well as other mechanisms distributed throughout the human mental and physical architecture. 1985. ed.) a. cross cultural studies b. schachter's epinephrine studies c. brain-scan studies d. zuckerman's sensation-seeking studies They are adaptations that have arisen in response to the adaptive problem of mechanism orchestration (Tooby & Cosmides, 1990a; Tooby, 1985). Ekman and his colleagues have established in a careful series of landmark studies that many emotional expressions are human universals, both generated and recognized reliably by humans everywhere they have been tested (Ekman, 1994). This could be accomplished by engineering superordinate programs, each of which jointly mobilizes a subset of the psychological architecture's other programs in a particular configuration. Journal of Theoretical Biology 7, 1-52. Every time there is a change in the world (e.g., death of a spouse, the acquisition of a better foraging tool) that affects the probable payoff of an act, or new information that allows a better evaluation of payoffs, this value needs to recomputed. According to modern evolutionary theory, different emotions evolved at different times: primal emotions, filial emotions and, later on, social emotions. Evolutionary theories of emotion propose that _____. Examples of situations are being in a depleted nutritional state, competing for maternal attention, being chased by a predator, being about to ambush an enemy, having few friends, experiencing the death of a spouse, being sick, having experienced a public success, having others act in a way that damages you without regard for your welfare, having injured a valued other through insufficient consideration or self-other behavioral trade-offs; having a baby. Did my adversary and his friend look at me furtively the last time I saw them? Thus, statistical regularities define the EEA for any given adaptation. In J. McGaugh, N. Weinberger, & G. Lynch (Eds. The regulation of breathing assumes the presence of certain long-enduring properties of the atmosphere and the respiratory system. 1987. Fears, phobias, and rituals. This global regulation may be largely automatic and nonconscious, and may involve open parameters set culturally and developmentally. A homunculus scans the environment and freely chooses successful actions in a way that is not systematic enough to be implemented by a program. Emotion: Theory, Research, and Experience, Volume 1: Theories of Emotion, presents broad theoretical perspectives representing all major schools of thought in the study of the nature of emotion. New York: Crowell. Robert Plutchik's PSYCHOEVOLUTIONARY THEORY OF BASIC EMOTIONS Postulates 1 ANIMALS AND HUMANS The concept of emotion is applicable to all evolutionary levels and applies to all animals as well as humans. For example, there should be algorithms in the auditory system that, upon detecting the fear signal (see (6)), reset signal detection thresholds, increasing acuity for predator-relevant sounds. ), The adapted mind. 201-219). Important or shocking events, for example, may be stored in great detail (as has been claimed about "flashbulb memories", for example), but other more moderate emotion-specific effects may occur as well. All cognitive programs - including superordinate programs of this kind - are sometimes mistaken for "homunculi", that is, entities endowed with "free will". For example, which stimuli are considered similar should be different in different emotion states, distorting the shape of the individual's psychological "similarity space" (Shepard 1987). Examples include foot and finger tapping, as well as vocal expressions and expressions of anger. The brain came into existence and, over evolutionary time, accreted its present complex structure because, in ancestral populations, mutations that created or altered cognitive programs such that they more successfully carried out adaptively consequential information-processing tasks were differentially retained, replicated, and incorporated into our species' neural design. Indeed, species ought to vary in the magnitude of automatic emotion signaling, and in which emotions are signaled, based on the social ecology of the species. For example, to solve the adaptive problem of selecting a good mate, one's choices must be guided by qualitatively different standards than when choosing the right food, or the right habitat, or the right meaning for an unfamiliar word. Outline The past explains the present: emotional adaptations and the structure of ancestral environments. A woman who has just found strong evidence that her husband has been unfaithful may find herself flooded by a torrent of memories about small details that seemed meaningless at the time but that now fit into an interpretation of covert activity. He used as an example contracting of eyebrows (furrowing the brow), which he noted is serviceable to prevent too much light from entering the eyes. Adults did not need to observe the negative effects of incest, because the Westermarck mechanism mobilizes disgust towards having sex with likely siblings (Shepher 1983). He proposed the idea that emotional states are adaptive, and therefore only those able to express certain emotions passed on their characteristics.[1]. 11: 375-424. Gain sympathy. Change to a trait can occur because of natural selection, chance, genetic drift, or because the trait is genetically linked with some other trait. Thinking  - Perceptual mechanisms: Perceptual systems may enter emotion-specific modes of operation. Emotion programs have evolved to take such elements into account, whether they can be perceived or not. This provokes the question: Why did selection build facial, vocal and postural expressions at all? The New Hacker's Dictionary. A mutational modification to a design feature will often alter how well it functions (e.g. It is surely true that people sometimes "lie" with their faces. 3 SURVIVAL … Pinker, S. 1997. Darwin believed that facial expressions of emotion are innate (hard-wired). Primal emotions, such as fear, are associated with ancient parts of the brain and presumably evolved among our premammal ancestors. 1994. The Evolutionary Theory of Emotion. (b) Algorithms that detect situations: these programs take the output of the monitoring algorithms and targeted memory registers in (a) as input, and through integration, probabilistic weighting, and other decision criteria, identify situations as absent or present with some probability. Cognition - Each emotion entrains various other adaptive programs - deactivating some, activating others, and adjusting the modifiable parameters of still others - so that the whole system operates in a particularly harmonious and efficacious way when the individual is confronting certain kinds of triggering conditions or situations. Emotion mode should govern the construction of organized behavioral sequences that solve adaptive problems. Eibl-Ebesfeldt, I. According to this theory, emotions are composed of two factors: physiological and cognitive. The realm of adaptive information-processing problems is not limited to one area of human life, such as sex, violence, or resource acquisition. Plutchik’s theory established the foundation for conceptualizing the domain of emotion (primary and secondary) in animals and humans. According to this theory, your emotions exist so you can adapt better to your surroundings. For example, fear was plausibly beneficial to signal, because it signaled the presence of a danger that might also menace one's kin and cooperators, and also informed others in a way that might recruit assistance. Shrugging of the shoulders is an example Darwin used of antithesis, because it has no service. Evolutionary Theory of Emotion. Of course, in any single case they may fail, because they are only the evolutionarily-computed best bet, based on ancestrally summed outcomes; they are not a sure bet, based on an unattainable perfect knowledge of the present. Cognitive theories suggest that thoughts and other mental activities play an essential role in the formation of emotions. Gallistel, C.R. The expressions of emotion that Ekman noted as most universal based on research are: anger, fear, disgust, sadness, and enjoyment. This causal relationship is what gives theories of adaptive function their heuristic power for psychologists and biologists. Conceptualizing the EEA in statistical terms is fundamental to the functional definition of emotion that we presented above and will elucidate below. Cognitive Psychology, Emotions, evolutionary psychology, Neuropsychology Table of Contents Paul Ekman is an American psychologist and professor emeritus at the University of California, San Francisco who is a pioneer in the study of emotions and their relation to facial expressions. For example, imagining the death of your child can call up the emotion state you would experience had this actually happened, activating previously dormant algorithms and making new information available to many different mechanisms. Is there somewhere I can go where I can see and hear what is going on better? An evolutionary psychological theory of the emotions. Ekman noted that while universal expressions do not necessarily prove Darwin's theory that they evolved, they do provide strong evidence of the possibility. Primal emotions, such as fear, are associated with ancient parts of the brain and presumably evolved among our premammal ancestors. Filial emotions, such as a human mother's love for her offspring, seem to have evolved among early mammals. The ideas found in his book o… The empirical evidence falsifies the claim that evolved computational adaptations tend to be crude or primitive in design, and supports the opposite view: that our mental machinery, including the emotions, are likely to be very well-designed to carry out evolved functions. Awareness and physiological states physiological and cognitive to increase the field of evolutionary psychology and adaptationism... Social status to such individuals than to those expressing other emotions. [ 6 ] observations, those... Impose an evolutionary organization on representational spaces that are well-engineered for solving them in circulatory, respiratory, reason. Major informational problem straight: the strategic role of imagery and emotion in planning: is! 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