global warming article

In fact, gases like carbon dioxide (CO2), sulphur, CFCs, and methane are responsible for global warming. visible liquid suspended in the air, such as fog. The Earth is warming up, and humans are at least partially to blame. Here we are providing you some useful articles on global warming under various categories according to varying words limits. But the fact is that the increase in carbon dioxide actually began in 1800, due to the deforestation of a large chunk of North-eastern American, besides forested parts of the world. All rights reserved. Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature. Global temperatures and sea levels are rising, and possibly contributing to larger more devastating storms. It could lead to tsunamis as warmer ocean water thaws ocean-floor permafrost or releases gas hydrates. Global warming or climate change has become a worldwide concern. target_type: 'mix' Global warming has become a serious environmental problem which threatens to put the future of humankind in peril. As per Kyoto protocol, developed countries are required to cut back their emissions. Any interactives on this page can only be played while you are visiting our website. Washington, DC 20036, National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Besides, Sulphur has formed a cluster resulting in adverse impact on environmental pollution. chemical compound that is the basic ingredient of natural gas. Union environment minister Prakash Javadekar said adaptation was vital to respond to the impacts of climate change. The way to do it is to less use of oil, coal and gas. We can save Planet Earth, only by tackling the problem of global warming. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. The rise in the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) leads to substantial increase in temperature. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas, and burning them causes what is known as the “greenhouse effect” in Earth’s atmosphere. Vishal Duggal possesses over two decades of journalistic experience across print and web domains. So, more and more tree plantation drives are needed. Sustainability Policy |  More specifically, changes to near-surface air temperatures will likely influence ecosystem functioning and thus the biodiversity of plants, animals, and other forms of life.The current geographic ranges of plant and animal species have been established by adaptation to long-term seasonal climate patterns. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. The global average surface temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degree… Due to activities like fossil fue… The data shows the Earth is warming and it's up to us to make the changes necessary for a healthier planet. Continuous discharge of these gases results into enormous rise in temperature. At individual levels, people should prefer buying cars with the best fuel economy, and should not unnecessarily use them. In a century, the increase reached 18 cm (including 6 cm in the last 20 years). A common view is that the current global warming rate will continue or accelerate. Global warming implies an increase in the average temperature of the Earth due to entrapment of greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Additionally, we can plant more trees because trees are very helpful to soak up CO2 and at the same time generate more oxygen. This trend is known as global warming. Scientists continue to study global warming and its impact on Earth. If you have questions about licensing content on this page, please contact for more information and to obtain a license. Not just polar bears: Lizards and snakes will feel global warming's effects Posted on Jan 19, 2021 These cold-blooded creatures may move farther north or to higher elevations as temperatures rise. There is a need to make collective efforts on the part of scientists, governments and individuals to tide over the problem of global warming. We will also do well to use less energy and to recycle more products. Let’s make it a habit to turn down our heat, turn off lights and electronics. Let’s resolve to reduce the production of CO2. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. Continuous production of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) gas is the biggest demon responsible for global warming, which is manifested in the continuous rise in the level of Earth’s temperature. Floods that have impacted the United States since 1993 alone have caused over $25 billion in losses. When we generate electricity, we produce a huge amount of CO2 simultaneously. menu close modal Articles News and Features Blog Explore Interactives, galleries and apps. Rising of sea level is the one of the biggest problems faced by the whole world due to global warming. The Earth’s temperature is on the rise and there are various reasons for it such as greenhouse gases emanating from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, burning of fossil fuels or deforestation. Gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels prevent the heat from leaving the atmosphere. Posted on January 14, 2021, at 11:32 a.m. Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society Most come from the combustion of … Now water vapours itself being a greenhouse gas, this aggravates warming further due to the heating of more water vapour to be evaporated. It leads to many areas of the earth experiencing severe weather conditions, such as drought, floods, and other unusual weather conditions. Because of global warming, permafrost and ice are melting massively at the poles, increasing the sea level at a rate never known before. Science. We have to avoid producing a great amount of CO2, Sulphur, CFCs, and Methane gases as they are harmful to the environment. Normally, this radiation would escape into spacebut these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. Most scientists agree that it is very likely due to the burning of coal, oil and gas. As the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere (air) is warming up, the gases in the atmosphere are unable to prevent heat from leaving the planet. As the human population has increased, so has the volume of fossil fuels burned. The Rights Holder for media is the person or group credited. Global warming or climate change has today become a major threat to the mankind. If no button appears, you cannot download or save the media. This can all be contributed to climate change. Population Risk and Unsustainable Development . The continuous burning of fossil fuels leads to an increase in the carbon dioxide level. The increasing level of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has been heating up the atmosphere of earth. Impact of human activities on Global Warming. She or he will best know the preferred format. For this, we should reduce the consumption of oil, coal and gas. We've got to do a better job of stopping global warming, a new report says. Continued precipitation increases are projected in the polar and subpolar regions, with decreases in the middle latitudes. There has been an increase in heavy downpours in some areas. Join our community of educators and receive the latest information on National Geographic's resources for you and your students. Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are at 406.5 ppm as of 2017, their highest levels in 650,000 years. You can choose any of them as per your need: Global warming or climate change has today become a major threat to the mankind. According to experts, the major factor behind this rising phenomena of  excessive emissions of carbon dioxide, as well as other greenhouse gases could lead to the flooding of lower lying coastal areas and also cities. Global warming is the unusually rapid increase in Earths average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released by people burning fossil fuels. Rather we should embrace renewable energy. Due to increase in the sea level, lower lying coastal areas as well as cities face the danger of flooding. //-->. The increase in trapped heat changes the climate and alters weather patterns, which may change the timing of … Global warming is the long-term heating of Earth’s climate system observed since the pre-industrial period (between 1850 and 1900) due to human activities, primarily fossil fuel burning, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere. Current news and data streams about global warming and climate change from NASA. Long-term effects of global warming may manifest in submarine landslides and increased seismic and volcanic activities. Even when we cook food, we produce a huge amount of CO2. Global warming has presented another issue called climate change. Ice caps are constantly melting posing a threat to polar bears as their feeding season stands reduced. Greenhouse gases have a heating impact on the environment, which is very adverse to human life. NASA. We should strive for the possible mitigation options which could be a sensible combination of technical and social adaptations that would be required to deal with the consequences of global warming. Over-exploitation of natural resources, coupled with population growth, technological advancement, industrialization, urbanization, and deforestation are also leading to increase in the production of these gases. Some CFCs have destructive effects on the ozone layer. Sometimes these phrases are used interchangeably, however, they are different. Fossil fuels formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals. Due to activities like fossil fuel combustion for electricity generation, transportation, and heating, human beings have contributed to increase in the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. We need to curb the emission of CO2 by undertaking massive plantation of trees. google_ad_slot = "1982849078"; There is a need to reduce coal-fired electricity, increase energy efficiency through wind and solar power, and also high efficiency natural gas generation. He was also a senior editor with Exchange4media group’s real estate magazine 'Realty Plus', and prior to that Consulting Editor with 'Geopolitics', a magazine on defence and strategic affairs. /* India Celebrating_300*250_New */ 3. Global warming and climate change have the potential to alter biological systems. Climate change is defined as gradual changes in all the interconnected weather elements on our planet over approximately 30 years. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', The Consequences of Global Warming . google_ad_height = 250; Photograph by Emory Kristof / National Geographic. 1145 17th Street NW Global Warming. With a changing climate come potential consequences for life on Earth. We should stop using fossil fuels in the way we presently do, otherwise, the amount of carbon we will release will soon exceed the amount of carbon in the living biosphere. Currently, he lends his professional expertise to several publications and websites in content planning, commissioning, writing, and editing. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6070398767421094"; It is one of the biggest threats to mankind. According to experts, since 1900, the whole planet has warmed up only by around 0.8 degrees Celsius. They last 25 times longer and save 75% of energy compared to incandescent light bulbs. The Earth’s temperature is on the rise and there are various reasons for it such as greenhouse gases emanating from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, burning of fossil fuels or deforestation. The acidification of the oceans is also of great concern. Global warming, only one of the challenges mankind is facing, cannot only be used to summarize all the issues of climate change but also cannot represent all the environmental issues. He said adaptation, capacity building, and strengthening rural communities would be the top priority for the government to address the challenges posed by climate change. We must achieve a major increase in renewable energy use to help offset the ill-effects of global warming. Even simple task such as cooking food produces a big amount of CO2. Due to large-scale de-forestation, we have too much carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that are holding in too much heat. Though there have been previous periods of climatic change, since the mid-20th century, humans have had unprecedented impact on Earth's climate system and caused change on a global scale. Margot Willis, National Geographic Society. Global warming, the phenomenon of increasing average air temperatures near the surface of Earth over the past one to two centuries. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace. We can begin by using less energy in our own home, school or church. National Geographic Headquarters container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', Already several countries in the world settled along the coastline of different seas are bearing the threat of extinction due to massive flood which has engulfed their low lying land considerably. }); Copyright White Planet Technologies Pvt. Carbon dioxide is also the byproduct of burning fossil fuels. It is even feared that some countries might even disappear completely in near future. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to the burning of fossil fuels. Global Warming videos and latest news articles; your source for the latest news on Global Warming . Glaciers are the perennial source of water in most of the rivers and other water bodies across the world. The average surface temperature on Earth is slowly increasing. We should concentrate on using renewable energy. Let’s reduce our dependence on our vehicles, and walk and car pool more. The causes and consequences of global warming: Global warming is responsible for rising of sea levels as it melts the glaciers gradually. It can be fought only by the collective efforts of the world community. Impact of Greenhouse Gases The rise in the levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) leads to substantial increase in temperature. One of the first things the IPCC concluded is that there are several greenhouse gases responsible for warming, and humans emit them in a variety of ways. The CO2 levels are unlikely to come down in the wake of the continuing burning of fossil fuels. So, less use of energy and electricity can help us in dealing with the problem of global warming. Average temperatures today are about 1 °C (1.8 °F) higher than before people started burning a lot of coal around 1750. Global warming causes climate change, which poses a serious threat to life on earth in the forms of widespread flooding and extreme weather. Also known as laughing gas or happy gas. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});