triquetra tattoo symbol meaning

Tribal Triquetra. In the Celtic Christian world, the tri-symmetrical shape was quickly interpreted as alluding to the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It was a triple feminine symbol, very sacred to the Druids, who asked Catholic recycled to symbolize the Trinity and thus obtain the dual purpose of possession of a symbol, and shake off the previous meaning. The Triskele is an ancient Celtic symbol used in modern witchcraft and neo-paganism. Therefore, gifts featuring this image are sometimes given to signify eternal love or longevity. It was also used on the hammer in the movie Thor. Like many of the ancient Celtic symbols, the exact date of origin of the Trinity Knot is unknown and often the subject of debate both on and offline. The triquetra is an ancient Celtic three-pointed symbol representing three-way unity. A nice authentic touch is using Ogham, the Irish language alphabet. Meaning of Trinity Knot Symbol They see the three points of the Celtic Triquetra relating to the nature of the Goddess as mother, maiden and crone. The Trinity Knot / Triquetra is one of the many symbols to be developed by the Celts and it falls into the ‘Celtic Knot’ category, alongside the likes of the Dara Knot. The triquetra has been a known symbol in Japan called Musubi Mitsugashiwa. The Church took the name vesicae piscis, which is translated as ‘bladder of the fish’ because Christ is described as a ‘fisher of men.’. Various symbolic tattoos are in prevalence and double infinity tattoo, triquetra tattoo ideas, yin yan tattoo, Celtic knots, masonic eye, om sign tattoo are some of the popular symbolic designs. The trinity symbol which is the triquetra along with a circle is sometimes used to … Although it’s well-known for its appearance in the Book of Kells, the Triquetra has also been found carved onto stones in many parts of Northern Europe. Most do not realize that the Book of Kells, which is an ‘illuminated manuscript’ (decorated with gold, silver, and colorful dyes) from the Christian Celtic era. Some see the meaning of the Triquetra as symbolizing the three domains of earth, sea and sky. As with many Celtic knots, the meaning of the Holy Trinity Knot for Christians is symbolized in the continuous line. In other instances, the true tale of the evolution of the use of a symbol is less obvious, and all memory of how it came to be adopted has long faded from our collective knowledge. Literally, the word triquetra means three-cornered and, thus, could simply mean a triangle. It refers to the three sided triangular design and symbolizes various meanings like spirit, cosmos, nature or one’s beingness. The symbol has been adopted by different groups and faiths to represent something that is core to their belief. ‘Triquetra’ is a name of Latin origin. © Copyright © 2020 The Irish Road Trip | All Rights Reserved, he Triquetra AKA the Celtic Trinity Knot is one of the best-known of the many, The History of the Triquetra Symbol / Trinity Symbol, Modern-day Meaning of the Celtic Triquetra Symbol. Faith, like the line, is eternal and without end. The moment you neglect one of these three parts, you harm the other two. It's a very old symbol that has multiple meanings. It is made up of three intersecting vesica Pisces. Sanskrit is an ancient language with its origins, Elements And Meanings Of The Triquetra Knot Design. This site exists to inspire and guide you on an Irish adventure that’ll give birth to a lifetime of memories (sounds very arsey altogether, I know!) It is not alone in that respect. Images of … Derived from the Latin language, the term triquetra … You have entered an incorrect email address! The triquetra can also represent concepts such as past, present, and future; body, mind, and soul; or the Celtic concept of land, sea, and sky. The Celtic triquetra is attached to a multitude of symbolic meanings. Triquetra is a Latin word meaning three cornered. Something that tends to confuse people is the Triquetra Meaning vs the Trinity Knot Meaning – there’s no difference. ‘Triquetra’ is a name of Latin origin and comes from the Latin word ‘Triquetrus,’ meaning ‘three-cornered’ or ‘triangular,,’ and it is clear how this symbol gained that name. A triquetra is a tri-cornered shape made of three overlapping or interconnected arcs with pointed outer sections that resemble a three-cornered knot. Each of these tattoos carries a special and unique meaning and they have been in … Trinity Tattoo Motif: Different Ideas, Meanings And Variations, Rope Tattoo Design: Holding Things Together In The Tattoo World. It may be that the early Indo-Europeans, commonly called the Aryans, are the link between ancient India and the triquetra we know to be an old European symbol today. It was a triple feminine symbol, very sacred to the Druids, who asked Catholic recycled to symbolize the Trinity and thus obtain the dual purpose of possession of a symbol, and shake off the previous meaning. The knot has three loops all made from a single, unbroken line. For Christians it symbolizes the holy trinity: the father, the son and the holy ghost. The triquetra is another commonly used Celtic symbol the meaning of which varied with time and the tribe using it. The Vesica Pisces is the shape created by the intersection of two congruent circles. The Triquetra Symbol. For that reason, we can find it throughout Celtic artistry. The Trinity Knot can be seen within the covers of the Book of Kells and on some very early versions of the Celtic Cross. For the pagans who revered nature and saw the hands of their gods in all things, the Three could be God, Goddess, and Man, or it could represent the three realms, Heaven, Hell, and Earth. Many cultures put their interpretation on its meaning(s), and we see a recurrence of the number ‘3’ and its association with the triquetra everywhere it was used. The tripartite representation is probably most famous as the Triple Goddess. However, today the word is commonly used for a much more specific three-cornered shape formed by three overlapping arcs. An ancient Celtic symbol, the triquetra is considered one of the oldest; dating back to as early as 500 BC when it was used to symbolize the … Neopaganism has also adopted the triquetra as a representation of the goddess as well as the three stages of womanhood: maiden, mother, crone. Symbols like the Triskelion would fall under the Triquetra umbrella. Modern-day Meaning of the Celtic Triquetra Symbol The Celtic Triquetra is a truly ageless symbol and it has appeared in several modern TV shows such as Charmed when it appears on the cover of the “Book of Shadows”. In archaeology, the word ‘Triquetra’ is used to describe any figure that is made up of three arcs. Learn how your comment data is processed. However, one essential meaning runs throughout each interpretation of the Celtic Trinity Knot – the Celtic conviction that everything of significance in the world comes in threes. The triquetra is a three-pointed symbol that has been used in ancient Nordic, Celtic, German, and Japanese cultures. That is also another condition that holds special attention later in this design. The triquetra is a Latin word meaning three-cornered. For Pagans/Wiccans it represents the Triple Goddess as the Maiden, Mother, and Crone. This symbol is used frequently in Wicca, but it technically dates to the Celtic pagans. The Triquetra symbol has been found on everything from runestones in Northern Europe to ancient Germany coins. Make sure to check out our guide to the 15 most popular Celtic Symbols and their meanings. The symbol is popular on New Age clothing, CD covers (check out the cover of Led Zeppelin IV) and is a popular modern-day tattoo symbol. According to Christian belief, it stands to signify the three unities Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Hiya Keith. Each of the three leaf-like shapes that form the symbol is not arbitrarily drawn; they are a mathematical shape called vesicae piscis. This symbol shows a full moon in the center with a waxing moon on one side and a waning moon on the other. Sanskrit Tattoo: Origins And Different Variations Or Ideas, The Irish Claddagh Symbol: Love, Loyalty, and Friendship. While the shape lent itself to its name, there is a deeper meaning behind the three-sided way that many people miss. There is no single meaning for the Triquetra which is possibly what has enabled it to endure through the ages. Samoan Tattoo Tattoos Nordic Tattoo Maori Maori Symbols Maori Tattoo Designs Maori Tattoo Fern Tattoo Celtic DeviantArt: More Like Fern Triquetra commission by IkaikaDesign DeviantArt is the world's largest online social community for artists and art enthusiasts, allowing people to connect through the creation and sharing of art. Have a question about this symbol? #Irish #Celtic Knot Tatt No desire for a tattoo, but can I draw it? Triquetra is a Norse Viking symbol closely connected with the Valknut and Horn Triskelion.Artifacts with Triquetra ornaments are found in all parts of the Viking world, ranging from the comb found in Gnezdovo (near Suzdal, Russia) to the saddle bow from Coppergate (York, England). It was also used on the hammer in the movie Thor. Various symbolic tattoos are in prevalence and double infinity tattoo, triquetra tattoo ideas, yin yan tattoo, Celtic knots, masonic eye, om sign tattoo are some of the popular symbolic designs. In the guide below, we break down the Triquetra meaning, its history, where it originated and where it can be seen across the world today. The triquetra holds a special place in many different cultures and contains a unique significance for each of them. Triquetra means “triangle” or “three” (tri-) “cornered” (Quetrus). The Famous Aztec Calendar Stone: What Is Its Exact Purpose and Meaning. ☆ Description and Measurements ☆Pendant Triquetra with thread necklace.Tibetan silver.☆Meaning ☆The Triquetra represents the trinity and all those phenomena of the triple nature such as: birth, life, death, past, present, future, body, spirit, soul.It was widely used by the Nordic peoples as the Celts, because it was considered a symbol of protection from great power.The triquetra is still today … Your email address will not be published. The triquetra is an interwoven Celtic knot figure with three points. Ten Most Common Wicca/Pagan Symbols Used In Wiccan Practices. Fashion Smart Symbol Fox Triquetra Pendant Necklace Jewelry Gift for Men&Women. In its purest form, the triquetra is three interconnected ovals — one pointing upward, the other two pointing down, to the left and right. Others say the three points signify the three stages of life: life, death and rebirth. A triquetra symbol is sometimes interlaced with a circle. warn against over-interpretation. 3. Small Butterfly Celtic Tattoo Designs: Butterfly is the zodiac symbol for the period September 30 to … Celtic Knots are complete loops with no beginning or end and they were primarily used for decoration in the Celtic style of Insular art. It can work with names, as a memorial or with a quote. The Triquetra is simply another name for the Trinity Knot. These types of symbols first became popular during the 4th Century BC and were found in ornaments in Anatolia and Persia. Versions of the Triquetra symbol have been found in many different locations that date back to various different periods of time, include the Iron Age and long before. The word 'triquetra' itself is derived from the Latin words 'tri-' meaning three and 'quetrus-' meaning corners. Pagan custom associates the Triquetra with Odin, the three-fold goddess and three elements of nature – water, earth and air. The leaves of the knot represent the three aspects of the Goddess: mother, maiden, and crone. The popular term for it today is the Trinity Knot and the Irish Love Knot. When we ask, “What do the triquetra represent?” there is no one answers that is entirely correct or suitably comprehensive. Although there are three individual parts to the knot, they are all part of the one symbolic design, one in three and three in one. The knot symbolizes eternal life with the Holy Trinity. It, again, has a perfect circle through it. Triquetra. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In essence, the shape is a stylistic rendition of a fish. Many cultures put their own interpretation on its meaning(s) and we see a recurrence of the number ‘3’ and its association with the triquetra everywhere it was used. You'll find everything from. If you’re one of the many people that have/or that’s planning on emailing us with a question about a Triquetra tattoo design… chillllll for a second. Read all about the Triquetra, AKA the symbol of trinity, one of the most prominent Celtic symbols, its meaning and history. People of Ireland believe, triquetra denotes eternal promise of love, honor and protection from man to his beloved. Buddhist tradition. It’s believed that the Trinity Knot meaning in these instances was to represent the Christian Trinity (more on this below). Other names for the knot are the Celtic Triangle, the Celtic Trinity and the Irish Trinity Knot. It is because the triquetra, despite being of pagan origin, were embraced by the Church at a time when all their writings and rituals were conducted in Latin. The Triquetra is a shape with three sections woven together. The triquetra was used in the 1970s as one of the core symbols for the Aquarian or 'new age' movement and is used still currently in a subtle way to indicate allegiance to those ideas to the baby boomer generation familiar with the symbol. (The word means “three-cornered.”) It is technically an elaboration of the geometric figures called vesicae piscis. (The word means “three-cornered.”) It is technically an elaboration of the geometric figures called vesicae piscis. The circle in many belief systems, is a symbol of eternity. The last of those is very telling because the vesicae piscis of the shape alluded to the female reproductive opening. Early Holy Trinity Knots incorporated the sign of a fish; the symbol of Christian faith. Good on yer! Bull Tattoo: A Symbol Of Strength, Fertility, Confidence, Stability, And Pride. ‘Praise where praise is due’ so thanks for this great article – have been doing Celtic knots for years yet only just found out that one of them is called the triquetra! Triquetras dating to the pagan age of the Celts has been found inscribed on rocks. The triquetra is a Latin word, meaning “triangular” or “three-cornered.”. A triquetra tattoo can stand on its own or be a beautiful centerpiece. The triple aspect of the triquetra is what made it a very versatile symbol. The symbol is popular on New Age clothing, CD covers (check out the cover of Led Zeppelin IV) and is a popular modern-day tattoo symbol. Triquetra design has been a popular one since ages in the diverse culture. In short, the triquetra is one of those symbols that ‘mean many things to many people.’, The meaning of Triquetra or the Celtic Trinity Knot Symbol. There is no single meaning for the Triquetra which is possibly what has enabled it to endure through the ages. Feb 6, 2016 - Explore Lorena Suárez's board "Triquetra Tattoo" on Pinterest. Others say it represents the mind, body, and soul. The mother represents creation; the maiden represents innocence and the crone symbolizes wisdom. There is little doubt among scholars that several religious practices, as well as portions of language and alphabet shared between the people of Europe and India, are evidence of a shared origin that branched off many thousands of years ago. It first appeared in Celtic culture during the 7th century when it was used in Insular art. Originating in Ireland, the triquetra or trinity knot is inextricably linked with the power of the three. Truth be told, there are more similarities than differences between the triquetra and the triskele. However, when we talk about the relationship between the Celts and the triquetra today, the most common examples do almost entirely away with the pagan traditions and talk of the Book of Kells instead. Elements of the Triquetra or the Trinity Knot. Unique in appearance and significant in meaning, this triquetra tattoo will make a … In ancient times, it was a symbol of the feminine because it looked like the aperture of birth. The triple aspect of the triquetra made it a very versatile symbol. The beauty of the triquetra is that what appears to be a rather complicated shape is comprised of just three simple lines. There is no definite meaning for the Triquetra, but it is commonly associated with earth, fire, and air. Now I know. Sometimes, the beliefs of different cultures sharing the same symbol may overlap significantly. It can be seen in jewelry and is also widely used as a tattoo design. Required fields are marked *. It uses three vesicae piscis by the use of three arcs; each blend into one end of its two neighbors to complete a path without end. What does the Triquetra symbol mean? It can represent whatever you want it to symbolize – true love, eternity, faith, the elements of the earth, or something uniquely personal to you. It has been used in both pagan and Christian religious imagery as well, symbolizing the Holy Trinity in the latter. Copyright © 2018 - 2021 Tattoo Art from the Heart All rights reserved | Hosting and development by MSP. Sometimes, the traditional triquetra symbol is accompanied by a circle, which, in many belief systems, is a symbol of eternity. The repetition of the trifold of the vesicae piscis referred to three births, which is an idea that predates Christ. The Triquetra comes from the Celtic tradition, and has the meaning of infinite life cycle. Today the triquetra is a popular symbol in jewellery and tattoo design. Neopagans have adopted it as a symbol of the goddess and the three stages of womanhood: maiden, mother, crone. In a time when Christianity was spreading into the northernmost parts of Europe, it was continually encountering the erstwhile prevalent pagan religions that had flourished there. The Pagan Celtic Triquetra Symbol It’s widely accepted that the Celtic Trinity Knot is over 5,000 years old. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Triquetra or the Trinity Knot reserves a special place on our list of popular Celtic symbols and their meanings. It can be said that the triquetra evolved from being a symbol that hinted at the female (mother, maiden, crone) to one that would be interpreted as male (‘Father’ and ‘Son’). In such cases, it is easy to trace the story of that symbol’s journey. It’s not hard to see why Christian teaching sees the meaning of the Holy Trinity Knot as representing the three parts of the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Sometimes it has a circle running through it and other times it does not. 17 Swanky Airbnbs With Hot Tubs In Ireland That You Can Rent In 2020, 49 Best Things To Do In Donegal In 2021 (Hidden Gems And Tourist Favourites), Group Accommodation Ireland: 21 GORGEOUS Gaffs You Can Rent With Mates In 2020, 42 Brilliant Things To Do In Kerry This Summer (Mountains, Beaches, Pubs + More), 20 Swanky Castles Hotels In Ireland Where You Can Spend A Night, 21 Underrated Towns In Ireland Perfect For A Mighty Weekend Away In 2021, Northern Lights in Ireland 2021: Your Guide to Seeing the sky above Ireland Sing. The triquetra symbol is one of many possible representations of the trinity of life. From adorning ancient artifacts, high crosses, and manuscripts, the Trinity Knot is now a popular symbol in body art (tattoo) and jewelry). One might even say that a widespread prevalence of a particular symbol, like the triquetra, is almost directly linked not just to its popularity but its age. That shape was their connection to the miracle of Life, both during the act of creating Life upon the union of man and woman, and the welcoming of Life into the world upon birth. 4.1 out of 5 stars 13. See more ideas about triquetra, tattoos, knot tattoo. Thinking About Getting a Triquetra Tattoo? The adoption of the familiar triquetra symbol that the pagans used was the ideal way for the new religion to establish a foothold without being too disruptive and thus to deflect undue criticism and hostility. revered nature and saw the hands of their gods in all things, the Three could be God, Goddess, and Man, or it could represent the three realms, Heaven, Hell, and Earth. Triquetra Symbol. Of course, this is the name by which we have come to know it, but it does not point to its origins. The spiritual meaning of Triquetra symbol. Truth be told, there are more similarities than differences between the triquetra and the triskele. Both are holy symbols to Christians and to Pagans. Pop your question in the comments section below. The trinity representation which is the triquetra along with a circle is seldom used to express the different moon and sun phases. The original intention by the early medieval artists is unknown and experts [who?] The triquetra is a Latin word, meaning “triangular” or “three-cornered.” In its purest form, the triquetra is three interconnected ovals — one pointing upward, the other two pointing down, to the left and right. Sometimes the Celtic Trinity Knot is shown with a circle in the design which emphasizes the meaning of unity and eternity, key principles of the Christian faith. In Latin triquetra means ‘triangular’ (feminine singular). Triquetra Meaning & Symbolism. However, despite the prominence that the Trinity holds in the Church, we see that the early Christian Celts did not often depict the triquetra on its own in the early days of its use in their culture. The Triquetra has also been found at several Celtic archaeological sites along with solar and lunar symbols, so it could have a meaning relating to the lunar and solar phases. The Latin word ‘Triquetrus’ means ‘three cornered’ or ‘triangular’, and it is clear how this symbol gained that name. Here you will get unique collection of Knot Tattoos pictures. A vesicae piscis is the shaped defined by the overlap of two circles of equal size when each is positioned so that its center is on the other’s circumference. The Triquetra has something in common with triple moon symbols. The symbol is also used in the Hit TV show Charmed where it represents the power of three. It is sometimes interlaced within a circle or combined/interlaced with additional triquetras to form different geometric shapes like crosses. The triple nature of the feminine Divine is a popular theme in ancient pagan lore. 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