leading cause of child mortality in ethiopia

According to the country’s 2014 population projection, the district has an estimated total population of 205,628. This result is in agreement with previous findings such as [24, 25] among others. This indicates that child from separated and never in union mother are associated with fever disease. volume 18, Article number: 198 (2018) Molenberghs G, Verbeke G. Models for discrete longitudinal data; 2005. From the same table, it is indicated that anemic children are more vulnerable to diarrhea and fever 11.8 and 14.5% respectively than non-anemic children (diarrhea, p-value =0.012, fever, p-value < 0.021). Lancet. Global J Med Public Health. NA has participated in data acquisition, data analysis, revision of the paper for intellectual content and have participated in the drafting of the manuscript. These indicators might be differently distributed within as well as across households, since each indicates a different mechanism by which such morbidity are acquired. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs348/en/index.htm, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-018-0690-1. 4). There is a paucity of information with regards to the local level magnitude and causes of maternal mortality. Understanding maternal mortality from top-down and bottom-up perspectives: Case of Tigray Region, Ethiopia. The world health report 2006: Working together for health. Moreover, strategic actions are required to promote skilled delivery care attendance and attention should be given to availing community based trained delivery assistants in rural communities. Geneva: WHO; 2007. Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs348/en/index.htm. Ethiopia is not an exception and has one of the world’s highest rates of maternal deaths. The modelled estimate by WHO and the World Bank for Ethiopia showed a MMR of 353 per 100,000 live births in 2015 [3]. In Ethiopia, childhood morbidity and mortality remain high due to the burden associated with highly prevalent diseases such as diarrhea, fever, cough, malaria and HIV-AIDS. The QIC for GEE and ALR are almost the same. When prioritising by child mortality strata, for the very high mortality countries, the focus should still be on the leading infectious causes, such as pneumonia, malaria, and diarrhoea. The aggregation of maternal death around delivery or immediately after delivery also means that mothers should have access to health facilities to receive skilled care during this period. J. Epidemiol. Population Projection of Ethiopia for All Regions At Wereda Level from 2014–2017. Furthermore, unlike GEE, no working assumptions about the third order and fourth-order odds ratios are required. Fever is an abnormally high body temperature, accompanied by shivering, headache, and restlessness [19]. Other treatments included intravenous fluid and Oral Rehydration Salt (34.6%), nasal treatment (15.4%) such as food or fluid that passed through the nose, and one woman received blood transfusions (3.8%). 1986;73(1):13–22. Another possible explanation for this may be that, as the VA data used in the present study is prone to misclassification of maternal deaths, the examiners might have misdiagnosed obstructed labour that leads to haemorrhage. 1993;80(3):517–26. HIV is a leading cause of death and a health threat to millions worldwide. The analysis under ALR suggests that child age is significantly associated to diarrhea disease and it was revealed that children who are between age group 0–11 months had exp. As results, inference associated with the estimated parameters may not be correct means that the standard errors may be too small resulting in p-values that are too small and confidence intervals that are too narrow [18]. As a result, alternating logistic regression which measures pairwise association of two observations in the same household and follow the precision estimates for both the regression (β) and the association (α) parameters considered [18, 21]. PLoS One. Trends in Maternal Mortality: 1990 to 2013. Terms and Conditions, Ethiop J Health Sci. Zeleke AT, Alemu ZA. This highlights that partner violence, including murder and other injuries or accidents to women, contributes to the rates of death among pregnant and postpartum women to a considerable extent in Ethiopia. 2009;81(1):116–28. Some of previous studies revealed that as diarrhea and fever are among the prevalent diseases that contributes to the burden of childhood morbidity and mortality [3]. This could be related to the fact that the cause of death was determined by physicians using the VA questionnaire, which depends on the subjective response of the interviewee. 2015;387:462–74. All women of reproductive age at the Kersa HDSS site during the period (2008–2014) were the source population. Health & place. Liang KY, Zeger SL. This indicates that, the estimated odds of diarrhea for children belong to mothers unemployed was exp. This has implications for maternal health behavioural change programs. volume 19, Article number: 942 (2019) Therefore, there is a need for children morbidity interventions intended to improve child health outcomes in the country. The overall cumulative average of maternal mortality in the present study is considerably high and is deemed to require government action. Regassa W, Lemma S. Assessment of diarrheal disease prevalence and associated risk factors in children of 6-59 months old at Adama District rural Kebeles, eastern Ethiopia, January/2015. Profile of Kersa HDSS: the Kersa Health and Demographic Surveillance System. Making pregnancy safer the critical role of the skilled attendant: A joint statement by WHO, ICM and FIGO. School of Public Health, College of Health and Medical Sciences, Haramaya University, Po Box: 235, Harar, Ethiopia, Research Centre for Generational Health and Ageing, Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, Gezahegn Tesfaye, Deborah Loxton & Catherine Chojenta, Mothers and Babies Research Centre, Faculty of Health and Medicine, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, Australia, You can also search for this author in Mother marital status is the other important covariate that has a statistically significant relation with child fever disease. Moreover, the use of a small sample for the analysis made it difficult to draw inferences to the general population. In connection with this, in the same year compared to other years, the absolute number of maternal deaths may have increased. Global, regional, and national levels and trends in maternal mortality between 1990 and 2015, with scenario-based projections to 2030: a systematic analysis by the UN maternal mortality estimation inter-agency group. This difference may be partly explained by the fact that the review only included facility-based studies where most pregnant women came to a health facility very late, with advanced complications such as obstructed labour which leads to prolonged labour [16, 31]. Moreover, during the rainy season there is an increased rate of malaria transmission, and pregnant women could in turn develop adverse maternal disorders (anaemia and eclampsia) which subsequently contribute to high rates of maternal deaths. Article  Magnitude, trends and causes of maternal mortality among reproductive aged women in Kersa health and demographic surveillance system, eastern Ethiopia. WHO. Most of these children (80%) are from sub-Saharan African and Southern Asia. Objectives To estimate and quantify childhood mortality, its spatial correlates and the impact of potential correlates using recent census data from three sub-Saharan African countries (Rwanda, Senegal and Uganda), where evidence is lacking. Furthermore, child diarrhea increased by 132% for children age group between 12 and 23 months as compared to children whose age group between 24 and 59 months. Numerous investigations in Africa revealed that infectious diseases as the leading causes of under age of five children death [6,7,8,9]. Cookies policy. Lancet. However, during the same period, the MMR reduction in sub-Saharan Africa remained stalled and most countries in the region registered sluggish progress in reducing maternal mortality [3,4,5]. In many countries, it is those women who are living in rural areas, at the lowest wealth quintile and with less education who are most susceptible to maternal mortality [4, 11]. (0.6386) = 1.994 time more odds of children had fever than whose age group between 24 and 59 months. 12 Taking sTock of MaTERnaL, nEWBoRn and cHiLd sURViVaL 2000–2010 decade report majority of maternal deaths occur. Moreover, from Table 1, the male children are more likely to have diarrhea compared to female counterpart 12.2% (p-value =0.012). It was well recognized that the huge burden of maternal mortality in Ethiopia remains the single most serious challenge to the health sector [9]. Key demographic indicators for Ethiopia: Under-Five Mortality Rate, Population. The result shows that the age of child positively associated with the child morbidity. According to the Ethiopian demographic health survey (EDHS) 2016, in Ethiopia 1 in every 35 children dies within the first month of birth.5The present study assessed causes and factors associated with neonatal mortality among neonates admitted to NICU of Jimma University Medical Center. The “Life Time Risk (LTR) of maternal death” was approximated by [LTR = 1-(1-Maternal mortality rate) 35]. Acad Res Int. CSA. Bull World Health Organ. The University of Newcastle, Australia has supported the student. This means that estimated odds of children had fever for breast-feeding is 80% less than the estimated odds for those with not currently breastfeeding children. The reason for the observed high LTR of maternal death in the present study might be related to the less precise estimation of the indicator using Mmrate. Annu Rev Public Health. As the study done in the Eastern part of Ethiopia at Kersa Health and Demographic surveillance indicated bacterial sepsis is the leading cause accounting for 31.2% followed by birth asphyxia and perinatal respiratory distress 28.2

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