carbon copy notation

One accurate version. For example, you may have a work colleague that acts as a back-up when you're on vacation or not at work. Carbon footprint, amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions associated with all the activities of a person or other entity (e.g., building, corporation, country, etc. New York: The Putnam Publishing Group. Play. The standard 'copy' notation was 'Cc' or 'cc', standing for 'carbon copy'. Blind copy, Bcc (Header (E-Mail)) Blind carbon copy; im E-Mailverkehr jene Adressaten, die der Empfänger im Unterschied zur Zeile "Cc" nicht sieht. Scoresheets are good because they generally have space for you to keep track of all the game information such as who played white and black, the date, time control, and the event name. April 27 new copy Isotopic Notation DRAFT. cc (carbon copy) notation for additional recipient names and web addresses bc (blind copy or complimentary copy) notation for recipient(s) that are hidden from view Body — the message of the memo a. Mithoron. 2. A "cc" notation uses an abbreviation "cc" for "carbon copy," an abbreviation that was standard in the days when carbon paper was used to make copies of letters on typewriters.

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